User Manual

Creating Dynamic Media Folders
8. To add additional actions to be performed on files found in the DMF folder such as copy,
transcode, consolidate or check into Interplay, click the Actions + to add an action.
Create a new bin When this option is selected,
your Avid editing application
creates a new bin to store clips
linked using AMA and
controls the bin name. This is
the default option.
Default bin naming
convention: uses the
project name for the bin
(bin name followed by a
consecutive number).
Volume name: the name or
label of the volume (for
example D:).
Specify bin name: lets you
enter a new bin name.
Link Multichannel Audio Select this option if you want
to assign audio tracks to
specific channels in your
linked media, up to a
maximum of 16 audio
channels for the clips in your
bins. This allows you to
specify which source channels
are treated as mono or
multichannel audio tracks in
your project, rather than
having to modify the clips in
your bin after you link to the
AMA media.
Click Edit to open the Multiple
Mixes dialog box, which
allows you to map audio tracks
to channels.
Audio Start-Time Option (for
Broadcast Wave)
Select this option to set the
audio Project Rate for
Broadcast Wave files.
Setting Option Description