User Manual

Using AMA Plug-Ins
To prepare your RED clip for transcoding, mixdown or rendering:
1. Before you transcode, mixdown or render, select Tools > Media Creation.
2. Click the Mixdown & Transcode tab or click the Render tab.
3. Select the playback quality from the R3D Source Quality (Debayer) menu.
t Full
t Half (Best Quality)
t Half (Good Quality)
t Quarter
t Eighth
t Sixteenth
4. Click OK.
5. Transcode, mixdown or render your clip or sequence as required.
For information about transcoding, see “Using the Transcode Command” on page 455.
For information about mixdown, see “Performing a Video Mixdown” in the Help.
For information about render, see “Basics of Effects Rendering” in the Help.
Adjusting RED Source Settings
When you link to R3D (RED) files, the Avid editing system reads each REDCODE RAW file
directly. You can then change the clip’s color values: color balance, exposure, and contrast in the
Source Settings window. This color value information is encoded with the R3D file through an
RLX, RSX or RMD file. These files hold the camera’s original color values of your clip.
The RLX, RSX or RMD files might be created if you set the color values outside of the Avid
editing application. These files can be loaded and applied to the associated RED clip through the
Source Settings window.
When a RED clip displays in the bin, the system displays the metadata columns of the clip’s
color values. For example: Color Space, Gamma Space, Kelvin, Tint. You can export this
information to ALE (Avid Log Exchange) and XML (through Avid FilmScribe) for downstream
use in your workflow.
The AMA Source Settings window also has various color spaces to choose from. You can set up
different color options (or presets) in each of these color spaces and then apply their color values
to multiple clips.