User Manual

Using AMA Plug-Ins
If any of the movies you linked to were QuickTime with Alpha channel files, they appear in
your bin as a Matte Key effect. The Alpha Channel options in the Import Settings Image tab
apply to the QuickTime AMA linked file. Therefore, the QuickTime file will appear in the
bin as a master clip if the Ignore option is set or will appear inverted or not inverted
depending on the selected options.
8. Use the linked clips to edit your sequence.
9. If you need to change the QuickTime clip in After Effects or FCP, open the existing file in
After Effects or FCP and make the change.
If you change the number of tracks, change the duration of the clip or change the clips file
name, when you relink through AMA, the system creates a new clip and will not overwrite
or replace the existing clip in the bin.
If you change the number of tracks, the duration, or edit rate, but not the file name, any clips
linked to the sequence will unlink and the clips display Media Offline.
If you change the file name or the location of the clip, you can Relink to AMA files. For more
information, see “Relinking to AMA-Linked QuickTime Files” on page 391.
10. From your Avid editing application, select Clear Monitor from the Clip Name menu above
the monitors.
This clears the monitors and Timeline of any old clips.
11. Render or export the newly changed QuickTime movie out of AfterEffects or FCP to the
same folder location as the original file. Accept all overwrite prompts. Once the changed
QuickTime movie is exported or rendered, refocus or open (if FCP or AfterEffects are on the
same system) your Avid editing application.
The updated clip appears in your bin (and sequence) and replaces the old clip. If the clip is in
the Source or Record monitor, it also will update.
12. Continue to edit your sequence or consolidate or transcode your sequence or clip.
When you consolidate, if you want to keep your AMA clips linked to the original source, select
the option “Keep Master clips linked to media on the original drive,” in the Copying Media Files
dialog box.
For information on consolidating your sequence, see “Consolidating Media” on page 449. For
information on transcoding your sequence, see “Using the Transcode Command” on page 455.