User Manual

Working with Export Volumes
Once the assets are committed, the following are written to the bundle folder:
- The sequence (version)
- The essence files
- The manifest (a file listing the creation date, creator, version information and a list of all
the files and folders in the bundle.)
- The shim file (used as a template or settings file that constrains the rules for the specific
- An AAF copy of the unflattened sequences(s) in the Extras folder
Archiving the AS-02 Bundle
Once you have committed the assets to the Export Volume, you can archive the AS-02 bundle.
To archive the Assets Folder.
1. Locate the AS-02 bundle folder by accessing the path you set in step 4 of Creating an Export
Vo l u m e .
2. Copy the AS-02 bundle folder to your archive server.
Linking to an existing AS-02 Bundle
You can open an existing AS-02 bundle.