User Manual

Using the Transcode Command
Using the Transcode Command
The Transcode option in the Consolidate/Transcode dialog box lets you create new clips and new
media files that use a different resolution. If you have a sequence composed of clips that use
different resolutions, you can use the Transcode feature to create a sequence in which all clips
use a single resolution. The Transcode option also lets you convert from OMF to MXF, and from
MXF to OMF, except in HD projects where MXF is the only available format.
The transcode option does not apply to a data clip.
For information to prepare a RED clip for transcode, see “Preparing your RED Clip for
Transcode, Mixdown, or Render” on page 412.
Even if you change the resolution to a higher quality resolution, your footage will not look better
than the resolution you selected for capture. For example, if you capture your video at 20:1 to
save space and then transcode the sequence to 1:1, the sequence will not look uncompressed.
New clips created through the Transcode operation are in the project format. When you
transcode a clip across formats, for example if you transcode a 16:9 clip in a 4:3 project, the
Reformat bin setting determines how the clip is conformed to the new format. For more
information, see “Modifying the Reformat Attribute for a Clip” on page 598.
To use the Transcode option:
1. Select a clip or sequence in a bin.
2. Select Clip > Consolidate/Transcode.
If you have any compressed audio (MP2 audio) in the clip or sequence you selected to
consolidate or transcode, a message appears informing you that selected items contain MP2
audio and cannot be consolidated or transcoded. You should relink this MP2 audio to an
uncompressed audio format. If you do not relink to an uncompressed audio format, the selected
clip or sequence with the MP2 audio is skipped.
The Consolidate/Transcode dialog box opens.