User Manual

Relinking Media Files
Video Relink Parameters
Relink to: Video format of current project only: Restricts relinking to
the current video format (listed in the menu option).
Any HD video format: Restricts relinking to HD formats
only. Relinking searches for any available HD formats.
Any SD video format: Restricts relinking to SD formats
only. Relinking searches for any available SD formats.
Any video format: Relinks to any available high-resolution,
HD and SD formats.
Relink method: Highest Quality: Relinks to the highest quality clip; for
online work.
Most Compressed: Relinks to the most compressed clip; for
offline work.
Specific Resolution: Relinks to clips of a specific resolution.
See “Relinking by Resolution” on page 472.
Relink if quality: If you select Specific Resolution as a relink method, this
menu lets you specify the range of the relink search:
Is greater than or equal to: If the selected resolution is not
available, then the nearest resolution that is better (more
pixels, less compression) than the requested one and that has
the closest video format (image size, field topness) is used.
Is equal to: If the selected resolution is not available, the clip
is displayed in the “If no match is found” list.
Is less than or equal to: If the selected resolution is not
available, then the nearest resolution that is less (fewer
pixels, more compression) than the requested one and that
has the closest video format (image size, field topness) is
Format Lets you select a target project format for relinking. The
selected format is used for quality comparison; you specify
the relink format in the “Relink to” parameter.
Resolution Lets you select a target resolution for relinking. The selected
resolution is used for quality comparison; you specify the
relink resolution in the “Relink method” parameter.
Option Description