User Manual

Sequence and Clip Information Summary
Summary Information Options
The following options allow you to select which information to include in the sequence report.
Summary Option Suboption Description
Create Effect
This displays the types of effects and how many
were found in your sequence, the breakdown by
effect type, and an effect plug-in summary. If you
have selected individual tracks or selected IN and
OUT points, only those effects that fall within those
parameters appear.
Create Effect
Location List
This displays the location of an effect. Depending on
the criteria you selected, this displays track, start
timecode, end timecode and effect name.
Skip Non-Renderable
Select this option if you do not want any
non-renderable effects, such as pan/volume effects,
to appear in the report.
Color Correction
Select this option if you do not want any color
correction effects with only relationships to appear
in the report.
Show Nested Effects
Select this option if you want to only display the
nested effects in your sequence. Effects that are
nested inside of other effects show the parent effect
track they are applied to with the track name in
parentheses and indented to show the nesting
Show Missing Effects
Select this option if you want to only display the
plug-in effects missing from your sequence. Plug-in
effects that are missing in your sequence display as
“Unavailable Effect,” but also lists the type of effect
and other important information which help you
identify the type of effect. This option is helpful
when you move your sequence to a system that does
not have the plug-in installed.