User Manual

Controlling Playback
Stepping Forward and Backward by Field
You can locate defects on individual fields of a frame with the single-field step feature.
The single-field step feature is not available when you work with progressive formats.
By default, your Avid editing application displays the first field of every frame when you step
through material. With single-field step, you can view both fields of each two-field frame
sequentially to locate a dropout from the source videotape or dust and scratches from the original
film footage.
To use single-field step:
1. Click the Step Forward One Field button or the Step Backward One Field button.
A number 2 displays in the upper right corner of the monitor to indicate you are parked on
field 2 of a frame. (The absence of the number 2 indicates you are parked on field 1 of the
frame.) Subsequent single-frame steps are based on this field.
2. Continue to click the Step Forward One Field or Step Backward One Field button to view
each field of a frame.
To return to viewing only field 1 of each frame, make sure you park on field 1 of a frame
before using the Step Forward or Step Backward buttons.
Any edits you make using the paint tools affect both field 1 and field 2 of each frame.
Step Backward
10-frames or
8-frames button
Move tab in Command palette Moves the footage 10 frames backward (NTSC
or PAL) or 8 frames backward (progressive
Step Forward
10-frames or
8-frames button
Move tab in Command palette Moves the footage 10 frames forward (NTSC or
PAL) or 8 frames forward (progressive formats).
Step Backward One
Field button
Move tab in Command palette Moves the footage one field backward in
field-based media. For more information, see
“Stepping Forward and Backward by Field” on
page 510.
Step Forward One
Field button
Move tab in Command palette Moves the footage one field forward in
field-based media. For more information, see
“Stepping Forward and Backward by Field” on
page 510.
Button Primary Default Location Function (Continued)