User Manual

Finding Frames, Clips, and Bins
All tabs: Clips and Sequences, Script Text, and Timeline and Monitors tab apply to text find.
The system does not search and find referenced clips in a sequence.
If you make a change to a bin (or add a new clip to the bin), you must save the bin first in
order for the system to find the changes.
The system searches through all available columns in your bins including metadata columns,
even if they are not visible in your current bin.
The use of quotes in search queries has no affect on your results.
The following characters: @#$%^&*()=+[]\ are recognized by text find.
When you perform an Edit While Capture in an Interplay environment, you need to update
the bin so that the system indexes your new media. After you capture, right-click the clip in
the bin and select Update from Interplay. Then save the bin. When you perform a text find,
the system should find the new captured clips.
To make sure all your open bins are indexed, click the Project window and select File > Save
All. This will save all opened bins. When the Bin Index light turns solid green, perform your
search. This will ensure that your results include the most up-to-date files.
Before you filter to refine your results, you need to first perform a find, then the Filter
columns are selectable.
To open a search window:
1. Press Ctrl+F (Windows) or Cmd+F (Macintosh), or select Edit > Find.
The Find window opens.