User Manual

Find Window Attributes
Find Click this button when you enter text in the textbox and
you are ready for the system to search for your
alphanumeric results.
PhraseFind Click this button when you enter phonetic text in the
textbox and you are ready for the system to search for your
audio dialogue results.
Cancel The Cancel button appears once you click either the Find
or PhraseFind button. This cancels the search.
Clips and Sequences Select this option if you want the system to search through
your clips and sequences. The system does not search and
find referenced clips in a sequence. Then choose to search
in the current bin and script opened in your project or all
bins and scripts in the project regardless if they are opened
or not.
Script Text Select this option if you want the system to search through
your scripts. Then choose to search in the current script
opened in your project or all scripts in the project
regardless if they are opened or not. (text find only).
Timeline and Monitors Select this option if you want the system to search through
the Timeline and monitors. Then choose to search for text
in Markers, Clip Names, and Timeline Text. (text find
Settings Select the option if you want to change the location of the
Search Data Folder or if you want to stop or start the Find
or PhraseFind indexing.
Filter Allows you to select a specific column to search in from a
menu, then enter additional text to help narrow your search
+ or - Allows you to add (+) or remove (-) filters
Ignore Case Select this option if you want the search to find results
whether the text is lower or upper case text.
Load into monitor Loads the clip in the Source monitor when you
double-click the clip in the Results window.
Whole words only Available when you select Current Script. Select this
option when you only want to find that word. For example
with this option selected, if you enter “eat,” the system will
only find eat. Not eating, eats, neat.
Results Window Attributes Description