User Manual

Lifting, Extracting, and Copying Material
Lifting, Extracting, and Copying Material
Lifting, extracting, and copying let you remove or reposition material quickly in your sequence.
For example, you can move a clip from the end of your sequence to the beginning; or you can
remove the material from the sequence altogether. Your Avid editing application places the
material you remove into the Clipboard. You can then paste the material elsewhere in the
sequence or into another sequence.
You can also remove and reposition segments. For more information, see Working with
Segments” on page 693.
Lifting removes selected material from a track in the sequence and leaves black filler or silence
to fill the gap. You can later move or fill this gap with other footage. When you lift material, the
overall duration of the track (or sequence) remains the same.
Extracting removes selected material from a track in the sequence and closes the gap left by its
removal. When you extract material, you shorten the duration of the track or sequence.
Comparison of Lift and Extract operations. Lifting material (left) leaves a gap that is replaced with black filler, and
the length of the sequence remains the same. Extracting material (right) closes up the gap that the material
previously occupied, and the sequence becomes shorter. In both cases, the material you remove is placed into the
The Copy to Clipboard function makes a duplicate of selected material in the sequence and
leaves the material intact. When you copy material, the sequence remains unaffected. You can
then insert the material elsewhere in the sequence or into another sequence.
To lift material:
1. Mark In and Out points at the start and end of the material in the sequence that you want to
2. Select the tracks containing the material.
The system performs the function on selected tracks only. For more information on track
selection, see “Understanding the Track Selector Panel” on page 707.
3. Click the Lift button in the Edit tab of the Command palette to complete the edit.