User Manual

Understanding Sync Breaks
Tips for Fixing Sync Breaks
Perform Segment
Use the Lift/Overwrite function instead of Extract/Splice-in. (Lift/Overwrite
leaves filler behind and overwrites material at the new destination, maintaining
sync in both cases.)
For more information, see “Working with Segments” on page 693.
Trimming Sync lock tracks to avoid breaking sync or use the Alt (Windows) or Option
(Macintosh) key function for adding black during trims.
For more information, see “Maintaining Sync While Trimming” on page 751.
You can also perform dual-roller trims, which maintain duration, instead of
single-roller trims.
Task Tips
Mode Tips
Sync lock any additional tracks that are synced to the track you are trimming.
Otherwise, you might restore sync in one track and break it in the others. For
more information, see “Understanding Locking and Sync Locking” on
page 714.
Do not perform a dual-roller trim.
Do not perform the trim on the Out point (A-side transition) of the out-of-sync
segment. Always perform the trim on the In point (B-side transition) of the
Do not use the Overwrite or Lift functions. You can, however, overwrite or lift
the out-of-sync material entirely to eliminate the break.
Splice in or extract selected frames of filler when necessary.
Use the Add Edit function to isolate only a portion of a clip or filler segment in
the sequence for extracting or replacing.
Segment mode Use the Lift/Overwrite function to leave filler behind and maintain any other
sync relationships affected by the move.
Use the Lift/Overwrite function to delete the entire segment and leave filler to
eliminate the break.
Use the Add Edit function to isolate a portion of the clip for moving or deleting.
Move the out-of-sync track, if possible, beyond the overlapping range with the
synced material to eliminate the sync break.