User Manual

Working with Page or Scene Numbers and Searching in a Script
The scene number appears in the left margin. The page number appears in the right margin
next to the first line of the selected region. Scene and page numbers both appear in the status
bar at the bottom of the Script window and reflect your current position within the script.
Each scene or page number continues throughout the script until you mark another line as
the beginning of a new scene or page.
Top left: new scene number. Top right: new page number. Bottom: Scene and page number indicators in the
status bar.
To change a page or scene number:
1. Select the beginning line of the scene or page.
2. Do one of the following:
t Click the Add Scene or the Add Page button in the Script window toolbar.
t Select Script > Add Scene or Script > Add Page.
A dialog box opens.
3. Type a new number for the scene or page, and click OK.
4. If the renumbering affects page or scene numbers that precede or follow the current change,
then repeat these steps as necessary.
To delete a page or scene number:
1. Select the first line of the scene or page.
You can also delete all page or scene numbering throughout a range of the script by selecting
the range of lines or the entire script.
2. Press the Delete key.
The Delete dialog box opens.
3. Select the options for Delete scene(s) or Delete page break(s) as appropriate, and click OK.
Your Avid editing application deletes the numbering from the Script window.