User Manual

Script Marks
Loading and Playing Marked Segments
Once you place marks syncing lines in your script to points in the source clips, you can quickly
load and cue takes for selected lines of dialog. You can load a single take, or you can load all the
coverage for any given range of lines.
To load the marked segment of a take:
t Double-click the script mark at the line of dialog that you want to cue.
Your Avid editing application loads the take into the Source monitor, cues it to the synced
line of dialog, and places an IN point at the sync location.
To load all the coverage for a range of lines:
1. Select the lines in the Script window, dragging through all intersecting takes.
The script lines and takes are highlighted.
2. Click the Play button in the Script window if you want to screen the takes for those lines, or
click the Record button if you want to add script marks.
Play button (left) and Record button (right)
The takes load and play back one after another. You can use the Tab key or J-K-L keys to
jump between takes and to control playback.
Moving or Deleting a Script Mark
When you move a script mark up or down, the mark in the source clip remains at the same frame
but is resynced to a new line in the script.
When you remove a script mark, you do not delete the marked portion of the take, only the sync
point between the script and the source clip.
You cannot undo the deletion of script marks. To restore a script mark after deletion, see
“Placing Script Marks Manually” on page 646.
To move a script mark:
1. Press the Ctrl key (Windows) or the Command key (Macintosh) and mouse over the mark in
the script.
The pointer changes to a movement indicator.
2. Click the mark, and drag it to the new position.