User Manual

Selecting Trim Sides
To change only the trim rollers on the video tracks:
t Alt+click (Windows) or Option+click (Macintosh) either the outgoing monitor or incoming
monitor, or either the A-side or the B-side.
The trim rollers change only on the video tracks.
To return to the last position of the trim rollers:
t Press the Alt key when you click the Trim Mode button.
Selecting Additional Transitions
You can select additional transitions for trimming in different contexts.
To quickly select additional transitions on contiguous tracks for trimming on the same
t Click the corresponding Record track buttons in the Track Selector panel.
For more information, see “Selecting Tracks” on page 709.
For example, if you select a single transition in track V1 for single-roller A-side trimming
and want to add tracks A1 and A2 at the same transition, click the corresponding track
You can also deselect tracks in the Track Selector panel to remove transitions on those tracks
from the trim procedure.
To select additional transitions for single-roller trimming in varying locations on different
t Shift+click the transitions in the Timeline.
This method is useful when you work with staggered transitions across multiple tracks, This
also lets you select both A-side and B-side transitions for simultaneous trimming in opposite
directions (asymmetrical trim). You cannot do this with dual-roller trims.
Example of two A-sides and one B-side selected for asymmetrical trimming
To quickly add multiple transitions to the currently selected transitions:
t Press and hold the Shift key, and lasso the additional transitions.