User Manual

Dual-Roller Trimming
Dual-Roller Trimming
Using a dual-roller trim allows you to move the transition point between segments without
changing the duration of the sequence. This adds frames to one side of the transition and
subtracts them from the other side.
There are several ways to select a transition for dual-roller trimming. Which method you use
depends on your editing workflow.
If you enable link selection, clicking a transition also selects transitions on linked segments (see
“Selecting Linked Clips” on page 696).
To select a transition for dual-roller trimming, do one of the following:
t Position the mouse pointer over the transition you want to trim so the pointer changes to a
dual-roller icon, and click the transition.
t Click the Trim Mode button.
Your Avid editing application selects the transition nearest the position indicator for
dual-roller trimming. The dual-roller icon appears on all highlighted tracks. This method is
useful for selecting straight-cut transitions on one track or across video and audio tracks.
Default trim selection for a straight cut (showing dual-roller icons)
If you selected the option in the Trim Settings dialog box to “Auto focus when entering Trim
mode,” the Timeline enlarges at the transition selected for trimming.
If the transitions are not straight cuts (overlap cuts or L-edits), the dual-roller icon appears
only on the transition nearest the position indicator of the topmost track, and all other tracks
are deselected.
t Alt+click (Windows) or Option+click (Macintosh) the Trim Mode button to select the
previous trim roller configurations.
By default, when you click the Trim Mode button, the trim rollers are set for dual-roller
trimming. For more information about selecting trim sides, see “Selecting Trim Sides” on
page 737.
t Click the Go to Previous Edit or Go to Next Edit button.
By default, the system selects the nearest transition in either direction of the selected track
for dual-roller trimming.