User Manual

Using the Bins Tab
The Trash icon and its contents disappear until Flat View is deselected.
Creating a Folder
To create a folder in a project:
1. Click the Bins tab in the Project window.
2. Click the Fast Menu button, and select New Folder.
A new untitled folder appears.
3. Click the untitled folder name in the Bins list and rename it.
Deleting a Bin or Folder
You can delete bins and folders along with their contents from the Bins list. Deleted bins and
folders are moved to a Trash folder in the Bins list until you empty the Trash. If you need a
deleted bin or folder, you can retrieve it from the Trash. For more information, see “Viewing and
Emptying the Trash” on page 76.
Only bins and folders appear in the Trash. If you select a clip, subclip, or effect directly in a
bin and press the Delete key, the item is permanently deleted and does not appear in the
To delete a bin or folder from the Project window, do the following:
t Select the bin or the folder you want to delete in the Bins list, and press the Delete key.
A Trash icon appears in the Bins list in the Project window. The Trash contains the deleted
The Trash is not visible in the Project window until you delete your first item.
Viewing and Emptying the Trash
If you need to view the contents in the Trash or decide you do not want to delete those items, you
must first move the bins and folders from the Trash.
Emptying the trash permanently removes the bins or folders from the drive.
If you change the name of the Trash icon, you cannot empty the Trash.
To view items in the Trash:
1. Click the arrow next to the Trash icon in the Bins list.
2. Click the bins or folders you want to keep (or view), and drag them from the Trash to the
Bins list in the Project window.