User Manual

The Track Control Panel
Soloing Audio Tracks
You can solo multiple tracks in the Timeline, which lets you do the following:
Listen to several tracks at once without deactivating or deselecting the other audio tracks off
or reducing volume.
Isolate audio tracks for audio scrubbing without having to deselect monitoring of all other
audio tracks.
For more information about audio scrubbing, see “Using Audio Scrub” on page 768.
You can also use the Track Solo buttons in the Audio Mixer tool. See “Using the Track Solo and
Track Mute Buttons” on page 793.
To solo an audio track:
t Click the Solo button in the Track Control panel for the track you want to solo.
The Solo button turns green, and Mute buttons on all other audio tracks turn orange.
Solo button (green) and Mute buttons (orange) in the Track Control panel
To turn off soloing for the track:
t Click the Solo button again.
To turn off the solo feature for all audio tracks:
t Alt+click (Windows) or Option+click (Macintosh) the Solo button on any track.
Making Tracks Inactive
Unlike muted audio tracks, inactive audio tracks process no plug-in effects or automation. You
can make any audio track inactive if you want to play back your sequence without audio
information. This allows you to limit the number of voices you monitor so you can manage
output voices as you play your sequence.
The Active/Inactive button displays the monitoring status of the track: