User Manual

Using Audio Scrub
(outgoing frames) as you scrub. You should avoid increasing the number of sampled frames on
both sides at once because this can make it difficult to isolate an edit point or trim point based on
the location of the position indicator.
To adjust the parameters for digital scrub:
1. Double-click Audio in the Settings list in the Project window.
The Audio Settings dialog box opens.
The Play Buffer Size in Samples option and the Tool Buffer Size in Samples option appear only if
your Avid editing application is not using Avid input/output hardware (software-only).
2. Click in a text box and type a new number of outgoing or incoming frames on the source
side, the record side, or both.
The new parameters take effect.
Performing Digital Audio Scrub
To locate an audio edit point by using digital scrub:
1. Solo an audio track for scrubbing and adjust the output volume, if necessary.
2. Press the Caps Lock key to activate digital audio scrub.
You can also activate digital audio scrub by pressing and holding the Shift key while you
drag the position indicator or click the Step buttons as described in step 3.
3. Move through the material in one of the following ways to hear the scrub:
t Drag the position indicator.
t Click the Step buttons to step through in fixed increments: 1 frame backward, 1 frame
forward, 10 frames (8 frames for 24p) backward, or 10 frames (8 frames for 24p)