User Manual

Using the Audio Mixer Tool
Bottom part of Audio Mixer tool
8 Display/Hide Sliders
Lets you switch between hiding and displaying the Volume Level sliders.
9 Which Set of Tracks
to Display in Mix
Panes buttons
Lets you select which enabled tracks to display in the mix panes. When you display
8 panes (with the Number of Mix Panes button), Grp 1 displays tracks 1-8. Click the
Which Set of Tracks to Display in Mix Panes button to change it to Grp 2, which
displays tracks 9-16. When you display 4 panes, each click of the Which Set of
Tracks to Display in the Mix Panes button displays the next group of 4 tracks.
10 Audio Mixer mode
Lets you select the mode for the Audio Mixer tool:
Auto (volume and pan automation)
Clip (Clip Volume and Pan)
Live (Live Mix)
The default mode is Clip Volume and Pan. The mode that you select is saved as a
project setting. If you want to change the default mode, select the mode you want in
the Audio Mixer tool, then save the Audio Project settings as a site setting. See
“Using Site Settings” on page 1347.
You cannot save Live Mix mode as a project setting.
Element Description (Continued)
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