User Manual

Rendering and Unrendering Order for Audio Effects
You do not have to reposition the faders on the 002, MCS 3000X, Command|8, Yamaha 01V, and
Yamaha 01V/96 because the units automatically reset the faders to match the volume data in the
(Symphony) You do not have to reposition the faders on the MCS 3000X, Command|8, Yamaha
01V, and Yamaha 01V/96 because the units automatically reset the faders to match the volume
data in the Timeline.
For more information on fader controllers or mixers, see “Using External Audio Devices” on
page 858.
Rendering and Unrendering Order for Audio Effects
Your Avid editing application processes audio effects in the following order (you can also think
of this as the audio volume staging):
1. Clip Volume and Pan (Audio Mixer tool in Clip Volume mode — real-time).
2. AudioSuite plug-ins (AudioSuite tool — non-real-time).
3. EQ (Audio EQ tool — real-time, can be rendered).
4. Audio Fade or Dissolve (Quick Dissolve button — real-time, can be rendered).
5. Volume and pan automation (Audio Mixer tool in Volume and Pan Automation mode —
Changing an audio effect unrenders any audio effect that follows it in the render order but does
not affect audio effects that precede it in the render order. For example, if you have a clip that
contains clip volume, an AudioSuite plug-in effect, and volume automation, and you change the
volume automation, the system does not unrender the AudioSuite plug-in effect. This preserves
the workflow because you use volume automation for finishing the audio levels. You need to
hear how changes in the volume automation affect the rendered effects. You could add, render,
and modify EQ and audio dissolves on the same clip and you still would not unrender the
AudioSuite plug-in effect.
However, if you change the clip volume on the same clip, the system unrenders the AudioSuite
plug-in. This preserves the workflow because when you reset the level of the clip, you need to
reprocess any effects applied to the clip.
If you have an AudioSuite plug-in and an Audio EQ effect applied to the same effect, only the
Audio EQ effect icon displays. The AudioSuite plug-in still applies even though the icon is not