User Manual

Using Volume and Pan Automation
t Move several keyframes vertically on a track at the same time by placing In and Out
points to select the area you want. When you move one keyframe up or down within the
marked area, all keyframes within the marked area move in relation to each other. This
works for all enabled audio tracks.
This procedure is similar to grouping sliders on an audio mixing board or in the Audio Mixer
To delete a single volume automation or pan keyframe:
1. Move the pointer over the keyframe.
2. When the pointer changes to the hand pointer, press the Delete key.
Don’t press the mouse button. If you press the mouse button, you might change the volume.
If there are identical keyframes in other active tracks, your Avid editing application deletes
them also.
To delete groups of volume automation or pan keyframes:
1. Mark an In point and an Out point or mark the entire segment.
2. Delete any keyframes in the marked area.
Volume and Pan Automation Mode
This topic describes controls in the Audio Mixer tool that are active only in Volume and Pan
Automation mode.
In Volume and Pan Automation mode, record controls are available, as shown in the following
illustration and described in the table. These controls are similar to those in the Audio Punch-In
Left to right: Record button, Cancel button, and preroll and postroll text boxes in the Audio Mixer tool when in
Volume and Pan Automation mode
Feature Description
Record button Starts and stops the recording.
Cancel button Stops a recording without saving the recorded data.
Preroll text box Lets you provide a visual cue before the recording begins. Your Avid editing
application backs up the blue position indicator for the prescribed number of