User Manual

Using Live Mix Mode
The faders jump back to the volume automation settings and automatically move with any
volume automation keyframes on the track.
8. (Option) Change back to Live Mix mode and play the audio.
The faders jump back to the settings you last used in Live Mix mode and the audio plays at
the Live Mix mode setting.
You cannot save the Live Mix mode settings between editing sessions. For information on
applying or overwriting the Live Mix mode settings, see Audio Mixer Tool Fast Menu: Live
Mix Mode” on page 827.
For information on using controllers in Volume and Pan Automation mode, see “Using
External Audio Devices” on page 858.
Using Live Mix Mode Without an External Controller
You can use Live Mix mode without an external controller but you cannot change the volume or
pan sliders in real time.
To use the controls in the Audio Mixer tool:
t Move the volume sliders or change the pan settings, and then play the audio.
When you play the audio, the system uses your new settings without saving any volume
automation information.
Switching Between Live Mix Mode and Other Audio Mixer Modes
When you switch between Live Mix mode, Clip Volume mode, and Volume and Pan Automation
mode, your Avid editing application displays your previous view of the values for that mode.
Your Avid editing application saves Clip Volume mode and volume and pan automation settings
between editing sessions, but it does not save Live Mix mode settings between editing sessions.
The Live Mix mode settings are not tied to the sequence. If you load a different sequence into the
Timeline, the Live Mix mode settings on the controller (and in the Audio Mixer tool) do not
change. You can think of the Live Mix mode as an external mixer connected to the Avid editing
system. Changing to another sequence has no effect on the Live Mix mode settings.
Audio Mixer Tool Fast Menu: Live Mix Mode
The commands in the Audio Mixer tool Fast menu operate differently depending on the types of
points you set within the sequence, as described in the following table:
Points Set Description
Both In and Out points Commands apply adjustments to selected tracks between the points.