User Manual

Fading and Dipping Audio
3. Click the Add menu, and Select Dissolve.
Only dissolves work with audio tracks.
4. Click the Position menu, and select the location for the dissolve.
5. Select a duration for the dissolve by doing one of the following:
t Type a duration, measured in frames (30 frames equals 1 second of NTSC footage; 25
frames equals 1 second of PAL footage), in the Duration text box.
t Click either the left or right edge of the Dissolve Effect icon, and drag it to change the
The graphic display changes—the size of the effect icon gets smaller or larger, and the
numbers in the Duration and Start text boxes change—to reflect the new duration.
The number of frames available for a dissolve depends on how much of the clip has been edited
into the sequence. For more information, see “Using the Quick Transition Button” in the Help.
6. If you selected Custom Start, type the number of frames before the transition to begin the
effect in the “Start n frames before cut” text box. Otherwise, leave the default value in the
text box.
7. (Option) Click the Target Drive menu, and select a media drive other than the default.
8. (Option) If you have In and Out points marked in your sequence, the Quick Transition dialog
box contains the following two options:
- Apply to All Transitions (In -> Out)
- Skip Existing Transition Effects