User Manual

Using the Audio EQ Tool
t In Effect mode, press the Delete key.
Audio EQ Examples
The following procedures are examples of two different ways to use the Audio EQ tool to
remove excess bass from an audio track. Assume that a bass drum in the sound track is very
pronounced. You want to use the Audio EQ tool to de-emphasize it, but there are voices on the
same track as the music. The human voice covers a wide range of frequencies, and the challenge
is to preserve the bass frequencies of the voices while de emphasizing the bass drum sound.
Consider that the goal of the adjustments is the final sound. You should use small adjustments to
preserve as much of the original sound track as possible. Do not be overly concerned about
specific parameter values.
The first procedure adjusts the low shelf to de-emphasize the bass. By dropping the low shelf to
–20 dB, you can de-emphasize it. However, there are voices on this track, and simply dropping
the low shelf also removes some bass from the voices.
The remaining procedures use the parametric midrange to isolate the particular frequency to
To compensate for the loss of bass by adjusting the low shelf:
1. Use the 2-octave midrange setting to create a wide midrange.
2. Move the midpoint of the parametric curve to 88 Hz (Windows) or 90 Hz (Macintosh).
3. Boost the midrange of the parametric curve to +7.7 dB.