User Manual

Managing User Profiles
2. Click the User Profile Selection menu, and select Create User Profile.
The Create User Profile dialog box opens.
3. Type a name in the Profile Name text box, and then click OK.
The new user profile appears selected in the menu, and the user profile name appears in the
Project window title bar.
To import user settings from another user or user profile:
1. Click the Settings tab.
2. Click the User Profile Selection menu, and select another user profile.
3. The new user profile name appears in the Project window title bar.
To return to the original user profile:
1. Click the Settings tab.
2. Click the User Profile Selection menu, and select the default user profile.
If you use a user profile other than the default and you change to another project, the default
user settings load, even though the Project window displays your non-default user profile name.
You must reselect the user profile.
To import user settings from another user or user profile:
1. Click the Settings tab.
2. Click the User Profile Selection menu, and select Import User or User Profile.
3. Navigate to the user or user profile you want to import.
To export user settings to another user or user profile:
1. Click the Settings tab.
2. Click the User Profile Selection menu, and select Export User or User Profile.
3. Select Personal or Group.
4. Navigate to the location where you want to place the user or user profile.
5. Click OK.
To update user profiles:
1. Click the Settings tab.
2. Click the User Profile Selection menu, and select Update User Profiles.
Any new settings added to the upgraded version of your Avid editing application appear in
the Settings list.