User Manual

Moving Through Footage with Artist Series Controllers
- EuCon
- Wheel
6. In the Details column, select the function you want to associate with the new soft key.
EUCON commands automatically label the button but do not select an icon.
7. Close the Soft Key Command Editor.
The Soft Key tab updates and displays the new function.
Moving Through Footage with Artist Series
You can use your Artist Series controller to control how you move through footage. Depending
on the functions available on your controller and the default and customizable controls, you can
use the following methods:
The Jog wheel allows for frame-by-frame positioning, depending on how fast you turn the
wheel right (clockwise) or left (counterclockwise). Use the Jog wheel when you want to
locate a specific frame by slowly viewing footage.
You can modify the sensitivity of the Jog wheel and the Shuttle ring by adjusting parameters in
the EuControl application — for example, you can set the Jog wheel to step through your footage
frame by frame. For more information, see the user’s guide that came with your controller.
The Shuttle ring alters the speed of playback by how far you turn the ring. The more you
turn the ring to the right, the faster the footage moves forward. To move the footage in
reverse, turn the ring to the left of the midpoint position. When held in position, footage
continues to moves at a fixed rate. When you release the Shuttle ring, it automatically returns
to its center position and footage stops changing. Use the Shuttle ring when you want to
quickly scan footage.
The Transport Controls allow you to play, pause, rewind, and fast forward in your sequence.
You can use the Rewind, Pause, and Fast Forward keys on your Artist Series controller to
move through your footage as you do with J-K-L play in your Avid editing application. For
more information on using the J-K-L keys, see “Playing Footage with the J-K-L Keys
(Three-Button Play)” in the Help.