User Manual

Core Avid Audio Plug-Ins
AIR Enhancer (RTAS)
You can use the Enhancer plug-in to enhance the low and high broadband frequencies of the
audio signal.
The following table lists the AIR Enhancer plug-in parameters:
Delay Section L/R Ratio — Lets you set the ratio of left to right delay times. If you move the control all the
way to the left (50:100), the left channel delay time equals half the right channel delay time.
If you move the control all the way to the right (100:50), the right channel delay time equals
half the left channel delay time.
Stereo Width — Lets you adjust the width of the delay effect in the stereo field.
EQ Low Cut — Lets you adjust the frequency for the Low Cut filter. For less bass, raise the
High Cut — Lets you adjust the frequency for the High Cut filter. For less treble, lower the
Env Mod The Dynamic Delay plug-in provides Envelope Modulation (an envelope follower) to control
various parameters in real time.
Rate — Determines how quickly the Feedback and Mix parameters respond to input from
the envelope follower.
FBK — Determines how much the envelope follower affects the Feedback (FBK) amount.
Mix — Determines how much the envelope follower affects the wet/dry mix. At 0%, the
envelope follower has no effect on the given parameter. At +/– 100%, the parameter’s value
increases or decreases in direct proportion to the incoming signal’s amplitude envelope.
Select one of the following options for the Feedback Mode:
Mono — Sums the incoming stereo signal to mono, then offers separate left and right delay
output taps from that signal.
Stereo — Processes the left and right channels of the incoming stereo signal independently
and outputs the processed signal on the corresponding left and right channels.
Cross — Processes the left and right channels of the incoming stereo signal independently,
and feeds the each side’s delayed signal back to the opposite channel.
Mix Lets you balance the amount of dry signal with the amount of wet (delayed) signal. At 50%, the
output includes equal amounts of dry and wet signal. At 0%, the output is all dry and at 100% it
is all wet.
Parameter Description