User Manual

Core Avid Audio Plug-Ins
AIR Fuzz-Wah (RTAS)
You can use the Fuzz-Wah plug-in to color the audio signal with different types and varying
amounts of transistor-like distortion.
The following table lists the AIR Fuzz-Wah plug-in parameters:
Parameter Description
Fuzz Turns the distortion effect on and off.
Drive Sets the level of gain in the Fuzz algorithm.
Mix (Fuzz) Lets you balance the amount of dry signal with the amount of wet (distorted) signal. At 50%, the
output includes equal amounts of dry and wet signal. At 0%, the output is all dry and at 100% it
is all wet.
Post Wah Lets you reverse the Fuzz section and the Wah section, placing one before the other.
Fuzz section Provides tonal and volume control over the plug-in.
Tone — Lets you change the brightness of the Fuzz algorithm.
Output — Sets the overall output volume of the Fuzz section.
Pedal Min Freq — Sets the low (Pedal Min) limit of the wah filter’s frequency sweep.
Res — Sets the low (Pedal Min) limit of the wah filter’s resonance.
Pedal Max Freq — Sets the high (Pedal Max) limit of the wah filter’s frequency sweep.
Res — Sets the high (Pedal Max) limit of the wah filter’s resonance.
Modulation Provides controls for the Low Frequency Oscillator (LFO) and Envelope Follower (ENV) that
can be used to modulate the wah filter’s sweep.
Rate — Sets either the LFO frequency, or the response time of the envelope follower,
depending on the setting of the Mode control.
Type — Lets you select either the LFO or the Envelope follower as the modulation source
for the wah filter.
Depth — Sets the amount of modulation sent by the LFO or envelope follower.
Wah Lets you turn the wah filter on and off.
Pedal Sweeps the wah center frequency up and down.
Filter Switches the wah filter between LP (lowpass), BP (bandpass), and HP (highpass) modes.
Mix (Wah) Lets you balance the amount of dry signal with the amount of wet (wah-processed) signal. At
50%, the output includes equal amounts of dry and wet signal. At 0%, the output is all dry and at
100% it is all wet.