User Manual

Core Avid Audio Plug-Ins
AIR Non-Linear Reverb (RTAS)
You can use the Non-Linear Reverb effect to apply special gated or reversed reverb effects to the
audio signal, creating a synthetic, processed ambience.
The following table lists the AIR Non-Linear Reverb plug-in parameters:
Delay Taps Provides five Taps (delay lines). Each tap provides the same set of controls. You can edit the
controls for each tap independently of the other taps.
On — Turns the selected tap’s signal on or off.
Delay — Sets the length of delay for the tap, relative to the main Delay setting.
Level — Changes the output level of the tap.
Pan — Pans the audio signal from the tap left or right in the stereo field.
High Cut Lets you adjust the frequency for the High Cut filter. For less treble, lower the frequency.
Low Cut Lets you adjust the frequency for the Low Cut filter. For less bass, raise the frequency.
Mix Lets you balance the amount of dry signal with the amount of wet (delayed) signal. At 50%, the
output includes equal amounts of dry and wet signal. At 0%, the output is all dry and at 100% it
is all wet.
Parameter Description
Parameter Description
Reverse Turns Reverse mode on and off. In Reverse mode, the tail of the reverb signal fades up to full
volume, then disappears, rather than fading out.
Pre-Delay — Determines the amount of time that elapses between the original audio event
and the onset of reverberation.
Dry Delay — Applies a specified amount of delay to the dry portion of the signal, which can
create a “reverse reverb” effect, where the reverb tail is heard before the dry signal.
Reverb Provides control over the reverb’s diffusion and stereo width.
Diffusion — Changes the rate at which the sound density of the reverb tail increases over
time. Higher Diffusion settings create a smoother reverberated sound. Lower settings result
in more fluttery echo.
Width — Lets you widen or narrow the effect’s stereo field.