User Manual

Core Avid Audio Plug-Ins
AIR Phaser (RTAS)
You can use the Phaser effect to apply a phaser to the audio signal for a unique sweeping sound.
The following table lists the AIR Phaser plug-in parameters:
EQ Provides tonal control over the reverb signal.
Low Cut — Adjusts the frequency for the Low Cut filter. For less bass, raise the frequency.
High Cut — Adjusts the frequency for the High Cut filter. For less treble, lower the
Reverb Time Changes the length of the reverberation’s decay.
Mix Lets you balance the amount of dry signal with the amount of wet (processed) signal. At 50%,
the output includes equal amounts of dry and wet signal. At 0%, the output is all dry and at
100% it is all wet.
Parameter Description
Parameter Description
Sync When you enable Sync, the delay time synchronizes to the tempo of your audio sequence. When
you disable Sync, you can set the delay time in milliseconds independently of the tempo. The
Sync button is lit when it is enabled.