User Manual

Core Avid Audio Plug-Ins
Reverse (AudioSuite)
Reversed sounds are useful effects in many music and film and video projects. The Reverse
plug-in lets you easily perform this type of processing.
Sci-Fi (RTAS and AudioSuite)
Sci-Fi is designed to mock-synthesize audio by adding effects such as ring modulation,
resonation, and sample & hold, that are typically found on older, modular analog synthesizers.
Sci-Fi is ideal for adding a synth edge to a track.
Rectification Positive Rectification — This rectifies the waveform so that its phase is 100% positive.
The audible effect is a doubling of the audio signal’s frequency.
Negative Rectification — This rectifies the waveform so that its phase is 100% negative.
The audible effect is a doubling of the audio signal’s frequency.
Alternating Rectification — This alternates between rectifying the phase of the first
negative waveform excursion to positive, then the next positive excursion to negative, and
so on, throughout the waveform. The audible effect is a halving of the audio signal’s
frequency, creating a subharmonic tone.
Alt-Max Rectification — This alternates between holding the maximum value of the first
positive excursion through the negative excursion period, switching to rectify the next
positive excursion, and holding its peak negative value until the next zero crossing. The
audible effect is a halving of the audio signal’s frequency, and creating a subharmonic tone
with a hollow, square wave-like timbre.
Gain Gain lets you adjust signal level before the audio reaches the Post-Filter. This is particularly
useful for restoring unity gain if you have used the Pre-Filter to cut off high frequencies prior
to rectification. The range of this control is from –18dB to +18dB.
Post-Filter Waveform rectification, particularly alternating rectification, typically produces a great
number of harmonics. The Post Filter control lets you remove harmonics above the cutoff
frequency and smooth out the sound. This is useful for filtering audio that contains
subharmonics. To create classic subharmonic synthesis effects, set the Pre-Filter and
Post-Filter to a relatively low frequency.
The range of the Post-Filter control is 43 Hz to 21 kHz, with a maximum value of Thru (which
effectively means bypass).
Mix Mix adjusts the mix of the rectified waveform with the original, unprocessed waveform.
Output Meter The Output Meter indicates the output level of the processed signal. Note that this meter
indicates the output level of the signal — not the input level. If this meter clips, the signal may
have clipped on input before it reached Recti-Fi. Monitor your send or insert signal levels
closely to prevent this from happening.
Parameter Description