User guide

Artist Mix User Guide6
Attaching an Artist Mix to Additional Units
Up to four Artist Mixes can be physically attached to each other to form a larger and more stable control surface. An Artist Control
and Artist Transport can also be joined to Artist Mix.
To join two Artist Mixes (or other Artist Series unit):
1 On one of the Artist Mixes, use a #2 Phillips screwdriver to remove the two silver screws. The screws may be tight, so you may
have to use some force.
2 Lift the black plastic connecting part and side panel up and out of the Artist Mix.
3 On the second Artist Mix, remove the side panel on the end where it will attach to the first Artist Mix.
4 Slide the connecting part of the second Artist Mix into the first Artist Mix to attach them together.
If you are using multiple units, see “Surfaces” on page 25 to use EuControl to link the units in the desired order.
Removing screws from the bottom panel
Removing connecting part and side panel
Artist Mixes attached by connecting at side panel