
24D800 anD D800-Dante a-net Distributors user GuiDe
This example uses red handles to show Slots 5-6, 9-10, 11-12, and 15-16 with stereo links on.
DIP Switch Block 2
DIP Switch Down Up
1 Mono Stereo Link Slots 17-18
2 Mono Stereo Link Slots 19-20
3 Mono Stereo Link Slots 21-22
4 Mono Stereo Link Slots 23-24
5 Mono Stereo Link Slots 25-26
6 Mono Stereo Link Slots 27-28
7 Mono Stereo Link Slots 29-30
8 Mono Stereo Link Slots 31-32
9 A Reserved Reserved
10 B Reserved Reserved
In DIP Switch block 2, switches 9 and 10 (A and B) are reserved for future use. They should be left in the
down position by default.
In the example red handles are used to show a stereo link for network slots 19-20.