
33D800 anD D800-Dante a-net Distributors user GuiDe
32-64 Channels - Analog Inputs
Up to four analog input devices may be connected to a D800 by cascading the A-Net ports on the A-Net
input devices. The first input device in the system (Input Module 1 in the diagrams) can be an original
AN-16/i Input Module or AN-16/i-M Mic Input Module. By default these devices supply network slots 1-16.
To configure this system:
Set the SlOt rANge switch on AN-16/i v.2 Input Module #1 to 1-16.
Connect A-Net Out on #1 to A-Net IN on AN-16/i v.2 Input Module #2 with a Cat-5 cable.
Set the SlOt rANge switch on AN-16/i v.2 Input Module #2 to 17-32.
Connect A-Net Out on #2 to A-Net IN on AN-16/i v.2 Input Module #3.
Set the SlOt rANge switch on AN-16/i v.2 Input Module #3 to 33-48.
Connect A-Net Out on #3 to A-Net IN on AN-16/i v.2 Input Module #4.
Set the SlOt rANge switch on AN-16/i v.2 Input Module #4 to 49-64.
Connect A-Net Out on #4 to the A-Net IN on a the D800.
Four analog input modules create a 64-channel network.