
35D800 anD D800-Dante a-net Distributors user GuiDe
32-64 Channels - Console Cards & Analog
Up to three digital console cards from the same clock domain plus one AN-16/i v.2 Input Module may
be combined to create a hybrid system that uses both analog and digital inputs to the network. An SB4
System Bridge is used to combine the A-Net outputs so that they may be connected to the D800s A-Net
Since there can only be one clock source, one of the console cards will be connected to the AN-16/i v.2
Input Module’s A-Net IN to provide sync while the remaining console cards will be connected to the SB4
ports as seen in the previous system example. SB4 port 17-32 is unused in this configuration.
To configure this system:
Connect A-Net Out on console card #1 to A-Net IN on the AN-16/i v.2 Input Module.
Set the AN-16/i v.2 Input Module’s SlOt rANge switch to 17-32.
Connect A-Net Out on the AN-16/i v.2 Input Module to A-Net 1-16 on the SB4.
Leave the A-Net 17-32 port on the SB4 unconnected. (Channels 1-32 are provided by the
AN-16/i v.2)
Connect A-Net Out on console card #2 to A-Net 33-48 on the SB4.
Connect A-Net Out on console card #3 to A-Net 49-64 on the SB4.
Connect the A-Net BrIdge port on the front of the SB4 to A-Net IN on the D800.
SB4 Rear Panel Setup
Three digital console cards and 16 channels of analog inputs combine to create a 64-channel network.
If the digital console cards are installed in different consoles, the consoles must be clocked together using
Word Clock.