Owner's manual

SB4 Front Panel
The A-Ne t Br I d g e connector on the front panel of the System Bridge always carries a four-device data
stream and is intended to be connected to the matching connector on another SB4 when configuring a
digital snake or to the A-Ne t Br I d g e IN port on a D800 or D800-Dante A-Net Distributor when configuring a
personal mixing system.
The A-Net Bridge output on the SB4 contains four streams of A-Net data.
No t e : The SB4 is compatible with Pro16 and Pro16e A-Net data only. Do not connect Pro64 A-Net
outputs from Pro64 Series products to this device.
SB4 Rear Panel Connections
The rear panel of the SB4 System Bridge contains four A-Net ports with EtherCon Cat-5 connectors which
can be connected to Pro16 or Pro16e products. The A-Net ports are labeled with channel ranges: 1-16,
17-32, 33-48, and 49-64 from right to left on the rear of the product.
The SB4 rear panel has four Pro16 A-Net ports, labeled with channel range numbers.
Cat-5 Cable Lengths
In most cases the SB4 System Bridge will be installed near the Pro16 and Pro16e devices that are connected
to it. Keep the interconnecting Cat-5e cable runs as short as possible. The Cat-5e cables between the A-Net
devices connected with a System Bridge must not exceed the maximum cable length of 500 feet (150
meters) if using all Pro16 devices or 400 feet (122 meters) if any Pro16e devices are part of the system. See
page 6 for additional information.
y S t e m Br i d g e US e r gU i d e