Owner's manual

Using Console Cards Plus an Analog Input Device
One analog input device such as the AN-16/i v.2 Input Module can also be used in a personal mixing
configuration with up to three digital console cards connected to the SB4 System Bridge to create a Pro16e
stream (64 input sources total).
To use an analog input device with digital console cards from the same clock domain, the A-Net
connections to the SB4 System Bridge must be strictly observed. Connect the A-Ne t ou t from console
card #1 to the A-Ne t IN on the AN-16/i v.2. These will become the first sixteen slots of the Pro16e network.
Console Card 1
Console Card 3
Console Card 2
A-Net Bridge
(front panel)
Console card 1 connects to the A-Net In port on the AN-16/i v.2.
Set the Slot Range switch on the AN-16/i v.2 to 17-32; analog signals connected to the AN-16/i v.2 will
become slots 17-32 of the Pro16e network. Connect the A-Ne t ou t from the AN-16/i v.2 to the 1-16 port on
the SB4. Note that nothing gets connected to the 17-32 port on the SB4.
Connect the remaining digital console cards to the ports labeled 33-48 and 49-64 on the System Bridge.
No t e : When using an analog input device along with digital console cards connected to the SB4,
the port labeled 17-32 is not used. Connect the first console card’s A-Net output to the A-Net
input on the analog input device instead.
y S t e m Br i d g e US e r gU i d e