Installation guide

P/N DMP010 V3.0
4.1.5 MINIMUM External Dimmer Level
If <EXT. DIMMER> is selected as the display brightness, the DMP-300 will automatically
choose one of eight levels of brightness depending on the external dimmer input control
voltage. This Setup option allows you to set the value of external dimmer input corresponding
to the lowest brightness of panel lighting. The DMP-300 will use the spread between this value
and the MAX level, and will choose one of eight brightness levels accordingly.
On many aircraft, reducing the panel dimmer control voltage to zero will cause the lighting to
go to full brightness. The DMP-300 display will go to full brightness if the external dimmer
goes below the value selected here for MINIMUM brightness.
When this option is selected, a number representing the current value of the dimmer input is
shown below the word “MIN”. The currently stored setting is shown inside the parentheses.
Adjust the aircraft’s panel lighting dimmer to its lowest level (but NOT to the point that the
lighting goes to full brightness). Press the knob on the DMP-300 to save this value as the
stored MINIMUM brightness level.
4.1.6 MAXIMUM External Dimmer Level
If <EXT. DIMMER> is selected as the display brightness, the DMP-300 will automatically
choose one of eight levels of brightness depending on the external dimmer input control
voltage. This Setup option allows you to set the value of external dimmer input corresponding
to the highest brightness of panel lighting. The DMP-300 will use the spread between this
value and the MIN level, and will choose one of eight brightness levels accordingly.
When this option is selected, a number representing the current value of the dimmer input is
shown below the word MAX”. The currently stored setting is shown inside the parentheses.
Adjust the aircraft’s panel lighting dimmer to its brightest level (usually the most clockwise
position of the control). Press the knob on the DMP-300 to save this value as the stored
MAXIMUM brightness level.
4.1.7 LOUDVolume Level
The playback volume level is normally set by turning the front panel knob while holding the
knob pushed in. However, the CardPrep software allows the user to designate any track to be
played at a LOUD” volume setting. This is normally applied to speech tracks such as
important safety messages. For example, if the DMP-300 is playing background music and
the operator has set the volume to an unobtrusive level, the safety message can be played at
a higher volume and the previous volume level will be restored when the music resumes.
This setup item allows you to select the volume level which will be set if a track is played which
has the “LOUD” volume attribute enabled. Pressing the front panel knob will start playback of
a sample speech track, which loops continuously. Turning the knob will adjust (and display)
the volume setting which will then be retained as theLOUD” volume level.
The “LOUDvolume setting is also used when an internal chime is played.
4.1.8 PLAY Screen Text
The DMP-300 can display one of two types of screens while an audio track is playing. The
default, as of Version 1.10 firmware, is an elapsed time display which shows the length of time
the track has been playing. The second type of display are “Prompts” which cycle through