User manual

Defining Actions
Under the Actions tab, define the actions to be performed when the job finds an e-mail
with one or more offensive images.
In this example, a copy of the message is placed in Quarantine and the message is
deleted without being delivered to its recipient. A notification warning of the denied
address is sent to the Administrator. You can select this notification from the pull-down
menu of available notification templates, which you can format using the HTML toolbar or
by entering appropriate HTML code yourself.
Note: If the job identifies more than one offensive image, the notification variables
Xblock attachment and Xblock result will provide the name and the analysis
result for the image with the highest score only.
To define further actions, click the Add button.
For a description of the procedure, refer to the description in the AntiVir chapter under
Enabling Virus Scanning - Example, "Defining Actions" .
Avira AntiVir Exchange 7