User manual

Avira AntiVir Server
With the
aid of this button, a dialog window is opened in which all file extensions are
displayed that are scanned in Use file extension list mode. Default entries are set for
the extensions, but entries can be added or deleted.
Please note that the default list may vary from version to version.
Additional settings
Scan boot sectors of selected drives
If this option is enabled, the Scanner only scans the boot sectors of the drives selected
for the on-demand scan. This option is enabled as the default setting.
Scan master boot sectors
If this option is enabled, the Scanner scans the master boot sectors of the hard disk(s)
used in the system.
Ignore offline files
If this option is enabled, the direct scan ignores so-called offline files completely during a
scan. This means that these files are not scanned for viruses and unwanted programs.
Offline files are files that were physically moved by a so-called Hierarchical Storage
Management System (HSMS) from the hard disk onto a tape, for example. This option is
enabled as the default setting.
Optimized scan
When the option is enabled, the processor capacity is optimally utilized during a Scanner
scan. For performance reasons, an optimized scan is only logged on standard level.
This option is only available on multi-processor systems, but is always displayed in the
configuration and can be enabled: If the administered server does not have more than
one processor, the Scanner option is not used.
Follow symbolic links
If this option is enabled, Scanner performs a scan that follows all symbolic links in the
scan profile or selected directory and scans the linked files for viruses and malware. This
option is not supported by Windows 2000 and has been deactivated.
The option does not include any shortcuts, but refers exclusively to symbolic links
(generated by mklink.exe) or Junction Points (generated by junction.exe) which are
transparent in the file system.
Search for Rootkits before scan
If this option is enabled and a scan is started, the scanner scans the Windows system
directory for active rootkits in a so-called shortcut. This process does not scan your
computer for active rootkits as comprehensively as the scan profile Scan for rootkits,
but it is significantly quicker to perform.
The rootkit scan is not available for Windows XP 64 bit, Windows 2003 64 bit and
Windows Server 2003 64 bit!
The rootkit scan is not carried out remotely.
Scan Registry
If this option is enabled, the Registry is scanned for references to malware.