User manual

Avira Free Antivirus - User Manual (Status: 16 Dec. 2013) 152
Send email to
If this option is enabled, the pre-defined
password is required to send an object to the
Avira Malware Research Center for
If this option is enabled, configuration of the
program is only possible after entering the pre-
defined password.
Installation /
If this option is enabled, the pre-defined
password is required for installation or
uninstallation of the program.
10.7.3 Security
Block autorun function
If this option is enabled, the execution of the Windows autorun function is blocked on
all connected drives, including USB sticks, CD and DVD drives and network drives.
With the Windows autorun function, files on data media or network drives are read
immediately on loading or connection, and files can therefore be started and copied
automatically. This functionality carries with it a high security risk, however, as
malware and unwanted programs can be installed with the automatic start. The
autorun function is especially critical for USB sticks as data on a stick can be changed
at any time.
Exclude CDs and DVDs
When this option is enabled, the autorun function is permitted on CD and DVD drives.
Only disable the autorun function for CD and DVD drives if you are sure you are
only using trusted data media.
System protection
Protect Windows hosts files from changes
If this option is set to activated, the Windows hosts files are write-protected.
Manipulation is no longer possible. For example, malware is not able to redirect you to
undesired websites. This option is activated as the default setting.
Product protection