User manual

Product Review: Mac Security July 2013
We found the warnings displayed when
malware is discovered to be very clear and
simple. We suggest it might be better if the
Trustbutton were made smaller and/or
moved, to discourage non-expert users from
using it.
Malware protection/detection test
Intego Premium Bundle detected all of the
Mac malware samples we used in our test.
However, it was only able to recognise two
thirds of the prevalent Windows malware
samples we tested it against. As the
manufacturer’s website claims that the
program detects Windows malware to prevent
your Mac from acting as a carrier”, we feel
that this is a disappointing score.
Help and Documentation
Clicking on VirusBarrier Help in the Help menu
of the Mac Menu Bar opens the product’s User
Guide, which is actually a page of the Intego
website. It provides clear and simple
instructions for basic tasks, beginning with
choosing the settings when the program is
first run after installation, and covering what
to do when malware is found, and how to run
a scheduled scan. The instructions are
abundantly illustrated with big, clear
screenshots. We would however point out that
the scope of the guide is very limited, even
for a simple, easy-to-use product. There is a
link on the page to the Knowledge Base,
which contains a few links to other relevant
pages, such as running a custom scan or
installing/uninstalling the program. The
instructions given on these pages are again
brief but very clear.
Overall, we would describe Intego’s help
functions as clear and well-illustrated, but
rather limited.
Intego Premium Bundle for Mac 2013 detected
all our samples of Mac malware and receives
an Approved Security Product award. We were
however a little bit disappointed with the
level of Windows malware recognised.
Overall, we found the program to be clear and
easy to use, with all important functions
easily accessible. Our major recommendation
for improvement would be to ensure that the
integrated firewall automatically allows the
update of virus signatures, without asking the
user for permission.