Operating instructions

4. Care of the casing
The surface and printed text on the casing is largely scratch resistant. The casing may be cleaned with
a mild soap solution or spirit based glass cleaner (use economically) and a soft lint free cloth.
Care should be taken during cleaning to ensure that no liquids can ingress into the casing. It is
advised for safety reasons to remove the power cable from the electrical supply before
cleaning the casing with a damp cloth. Do not use solvents or abrasives for cleaning. This
could damage the surface.
5. If at first you don’t succeed...
Some suspected defects of the equipment are very often found to have been caused by faulty
operation. Before you consult us please check the functioning of your stereo amp according to the
following checklist:
Unit is ON, but display shows nothing
Switch the display mode from "off" to a different setting. (see 2.6 and 3.3 DISPLAY MODE)
Unit is ON, but loudspeakers remain inoperative
Test initially whether the pre-amplifier and the selected signal source are operating correctly. This
is best achieved by checking the functioning of the pre-amplifier with head phones. Remember to
remove the head phones jack after use, otherwise the pre-amplifier will not emit a signal.
Ensure that there are no breaks or short circuits in the signal cable between the stereo amp and
the pre-amplifier.
Test the connecting cable between the Stereo amp and the loudspeaker for a short circuit or
Unit does not switch from STAND BY to OPERATE or switches while listening to music from
This can happen when the OVATION SA8.2 is operated in "auto" mode and you are listening at
low levels. Then the incoming Voltage from the preamp is too low to trigger the auto-circuit. In this
case we recommend to switch the unit to "permanent" mode or to use of a trigger cable (see 3.2
If the unit is operated in "trigger" mode please check the trigger cables between preamp and the
OVATION SA8.2 and ensure that there are no breaks or short circuits in the cable.
The unit is operated in "remote" mode without using a suitable preamp (AMP pre mk2). Choose an
different operating mode (see 3.2 OPERATING MODE).