User Guide

Logging Into the Web Manager
The following procedure describes the login process to the web manager and what should be
expected the first time you log in to the console server.
To log into the web manager:
1. Enter the IP address of the console server in the address field of your browser.
NOTE: The console server is usually assigned a static IP address. If DHCP is enabled, you must find out the
dynamically-assigned IP address each time you need to run the web manager. If necessary, use the default static IP
address pre-configured in the console server.
a. If DHCP is disabled, use the static IP address assigned by the administrator.
b. If DHCP is enabled, enter the dynamically-assigned IP address. The Login page
2. Log in as root and type in the root password. The default password is avocent.
CAUTION: It is important to change the root and admin password as soon as possible to avoid security breaches.
If another administrator is already logged in, a dialog box will prompt you to log off the other
administrator before logging in.
3. Select Yes or No and then click Apply.
NOTE: Be sure to read the security advisory message that appears on the screen. Your pop-up blocker must be
disabled for the security advisory to appear.
Overview of Administrative Modes
The web manager operates in one of two modes, Wizard or Expert.
NOTE: If you select Wizard, the mode button will read Expert. If you select Expert, the mode button will read
Wizard mode
The Wizard mode is designed to simplify the setup and configuration process by guiding the
administrator through six configuration steps.
When you log in to the console server as an administrator or as a user with administrative
privileges, by default the system point to Expert Mode-Ports-Ports Status form.
The following is a typical form of the web interface in Wizard Mode. The user entry form
varies depending on the selected menu item.
Chapter 4: Web Manager for Administrators 35