User guide

New_Menu_Option = command_pathname_and_options
New_Submenu = newsubmenu
4. Add a definition for a submenu using the defined keyword by entering the following:
Submenu_Option1 = command_pathname_and_options
Submenu_Option2 = command_pathname_and_options
5. Save and quit the file.
Configuring Routes With CLI
The following procedures give examples for using the CLI utility for configuring default, host
and network routes and assigning them to interfaces or to gateways.
NOTE: Setting a gateway IP address automatically creates a default route to the gateway’s IP address.
To configure routes with CLI:
1. Log into the console as root.
2. Enter the cli command.
3. Set network interface by entering the following:
cli> set network interface <interface_name> address <IP_address>
4. Set a default route by setting a gateway IP address by entering the following:
cli> set network interface <interface_name> gateway <gatewayIP>
5. Add a host in the host table by entering the host’s IP address after the add network hosts
cli> add network hosts <hostIP> name <hostname> alias <alias>
6. Add a network route by entering the network address after the add network st_routes
command in the form
cli> add network st_routes <networkIP/NN>
7. For both host and network routes, use the set network st_routes command to assign the
route to an interface or to a gateway and optionally assign it a metric, by performing the
following steps.
To assign the route to an interface, enter set network st_routes <IPaddress |
networkIPaddress/NN> device <ethN>. The following screen example shows
110 MergePoin SP Manager Installer/User Guide