
3000 series eurocard switchers.ib.rev21.doc Page 17 of 36 16/10/2007
Power on reset:
Power on reset is needed so that at power on only one switcher or control panel drives the buss. LK 3 on each of the
Switcher Group or the CPS-9000 / 9001 remote control panel is used to select which unit is in control at power on.
If LK 3B is not installed and the switcher/control panel is configured to be for Inputs 1-5 then at power on that unit
will take control of the buss and select input 1.
In the case of a multi-level set up, such as a 5 x 1 video with a 5 x 1 audio as a slave, all the slaves should have
LK 3B installed.
LK 3 has another function. If LK 3A is not installed then any CPS-3050 switcher panel installed on the front of the
module will act as tally only -- the operation of any of its buttons will have no effect. This also applies to the
CPS-9000 / 9001 remote control panel.
DDS-3030 & DDS-3031 5 x 1 RS-422 switcher: -- input impedance.
The rear assembly for this module provides input termination resistors on each input line. Note that this includes the
“output” as this switcher is bi-directional. These 300 resistors (R 1 to R 6) are connected via a wire link (TL 1 to
TL 6 respectively) which may be cut if a different input impedance is required.
To obtain the input impedance required a resistor should be fitted across the input terminals (marked “R”) of the
plug-in screw connector block and the wire link cut.
It is recommended that this method be used in preference to replacing the surface mount resistors on the rear
assembly PCB as doing so is likely to cause damage to the PCB.