
3000 series eurocard switchers.ib.rev21.doc Page 18 of 36 16/10/2007
Switcher set ups larger than 5 x 1
10 x 1, 15 x 1 and 20 x 1 switchers can be made up of multiple switchers.
In order to achieve this connections have to be made between modules for both control and signal purposes. In
addition, links on each module need to be configured to set the address range for the module.
These three operations are dealt with separately below.
Control side:
LK 1 and LK 2 on the switchers are used to assign the group of inputs that a module will switch.
NOTE: Always have one at least one switcher configured as ‘Inputs 1-5’ otherwise there will be no switch pulses
and consequently no switching action at all.
Connector PL 5 (data out) on switcher 1 - 5 connects to PL 4 (data in) on switcher 6 - 10 and so on.
Cables may be wired using the connectors provided or may be ordered from IRT using the following part numbers:
GDW-3010 150 mm cable for joining adjacent modules in 3 RU frame.
GDW-3011 300 mm cable for joining modules in 1 RU frames.
Signal side:
AVS-3010 & AVS-3011 5 x 1 Analogue video switchers:
When the data buss value is outside the range of inputs for which the module is configured the module selects PL 3
(SMA connector) on its rear assembly as its input. Therefore, the module with the highest input range should have
its output connector linked to PL 3 of the module with the next lower input range.
This is accomplished using a short BNC to SMA linking cable. A 150 mm cable of this type may be ordered from
IRT; this is of sufficient length to join together two adjacent modules fitted to a 3 RU frame. Please use part number
Thus, the output from the 1 - 5 switcher will be the only output left unconnected to another switcher and is the
switched output for the complete switcher.
Note that this is a re-entrant form of switching. For example inputs in the range 16 - 20 on a 20 x 1 configuration
actually pass through four active modules, consequently being subjected to a slight increase in distortion and (being
DC coupled switchers) DC offset.
Positions PL 1 and PL 2 on the main board are not used.