Operating instructions

Table of Contents
Parts Identification
Main unit ............................................................ 4
Remote control ................................................... 5
Getting Started
Hooking up the system ....................................... 6
Preparing the remote .......................................... 7
Replacing the battery in the remote.................... 7
Setting the time ................................................... 8
Conserving power in standby mode ................... 8
Loading the CD .................................................. 9
Playing the CD
— Normal Play/Shuffle Play/
Repeat Play ............................................ 9
Programing the CD tracks
— Program Play ....................................... 11
Using the CD display ....................................... 12
Labeling a CD
— Disc Memo........................................... 13
MD — Play
Loading the MD ............................................... 14
Playing the MD
— Normal Play/Shuffle Play/
Repeat Play .......................................... 14
Programing the MD tracks
— Program Play ....................................... 16
Playing tracks in a group .................................. 17
Using the MD display ...................................... 17
MD — Recording
Before you start recording ................................ 18
After recording ................................................. 19
Recording a CD on an MD
— CD-MD Synchro Recording/CD-MD
High-Speed Synchro Recording .......... 19
Recording on an MD manually
— Manual Recording ............................... 20
Recording the current track
— Rec It .................................................... 21
Starting recording with 6 seconds of prestored
audio data
— Time Machine Recording .................... 21
Recording tips
— Recording for long times/Marking track
numbers/Smart space/Adjusting the
recording level ..................................... 22
Recording CD tracks on an MD as group tracks
— Group Function .................................... 27
MD — Editing
Before you start editing .................................... 29
Labeling an MD
— Name Function ..................................... 29
Labeling a group
— Name Function ..................................... 31
Registering non-group tracks as group tracks in a
newly created group
— Create Function .................................... 32
Releasing group tracks
— Release Function .................................. 33
Erasing recordings
— Erase Function ..................................... 34
Moving recorded tracks
— Move Function ..................................... 36
Dividing recorded tracks
— Divide Function ................................... 37
Combining recorded tracks
— Combine Function ............................... 38
Undoing the last edit
— Undo Function ..................................... 39
Changing the recording level after recording
— S.F Edit ................................................ 40
Presetting radio stations ................................... 42
Listening to the radio
— Preset Tuning ....................................... 43
Labeling the preset stations
— Station Name ....................................... 44
Using the Radio Data System (RDS)* ............. 44
Sound Adjustment
Reinforcing the bass sound
— DBFB ................................................... 45
Selecting the Preset Equalizer menu ................ 45
Falling asleep to music
— Sleep Timer .......................................... 45
Waking up to music
— Daily Timer .......................................... 46
Timer recording radio programs ...................... 47
Optional Components
Hooking up the optional components............... 49
Optional Personal Computer
Connecting a personal computer to
the system ................................................. 51
Listen to the connected personal computer ...... 52
About the supplied M-crew for CMT-C7NT ... 52
About the supplied OpenMG Jukebox for Sony
Net MDs .................................................... 53
Additional Information
Precautions ....................................................... 54
System limitations of MDs ............................... 56
Troubleshooting ............................................... 57
Self-diagnosis display ...................................... 60
Specifications ................................................... 63
* European models only