User's Manual

System Manager User Guide |
System Manager 2.0
Parameter Type Default
Calm.staffRTLSInMotionWeight double 1.0
Staff RTLS in motion
weight in CALM
Calm.staffRTLSOutMotionWeight double 0.0
Staff RTLS out motion
weight in CALM
Calm.staffRapidRoomInMotionWeight double 1.0
Staff Rapid Room in
motion weight in CALM
Calm.staffRapidRoomOutMotionWeight double 0.0
Staff Rapid Room out
motion weight in CALM
Calm.staffEgressInMotionWeight double 1.0
Staff Egress in motion
weight in CALM
Calm.staffEgressOutMotionWeight double 0.0
Staff Egress out motion
weight in CALM
Calm.staffBedBayInMotionWeight double 1.0
Staff Bed/Bay in motion
weight in CALM
Calm.staffBedBayOutMotionWeight double 0.0
Staff Bed/Bay out
motion weight in CALM
Calm.wayFindingInMotionWeight double 1.0
Way Finding in motion
weight in CALM
Calm.wayFindingOutMotionWeight double 0.0
Way Finding out motion
weight in CALM
Log.logLevel int 0
Log level (0:info
6.3.2 Editing an Algorithm Configuration
From the list of configurations on the left, drill down to the configuration you want to edit
and select it.
NOTE: The SYSTEM_DEFAULT configuration cannot be edited.